Because of the uptick in demand for our GPO services, we now offer two options: a 优质,精品风格,采购解决方案,以及我们最近推出的 独立的自我管理GPO.


Are you looking to save your business money and time as you navigate the persistent inflation with rising cost pressures, 劳动力短缺和供应链问题?

平均, GPOs save businesses between 10-25 percent on annual purchasing resulting in almost immediate savings to your bottom line as you purchase the goods and services you need most at a discount.

明升体育app下载GPO在投资组合中有一个庞大的供应商和合同列表, and you can participate in the high-tiered savings that our overall book of business qualifies for. 最好的消息是有 免费加入 你可以选择 现在就直接和明升体育app下载GPO签约!



  • 只使用你需要的契约: Use only those contracts that benefit your company with no minimum spend requirements.
  • 一站式解决方案,简化采购流程: Eliminate time and money spent negotiating with multiple suppliers by using our pre-negotiated contracts.
  • 动手专门的项目管理: 我们经验丰富的专业人员将在您的每一步.
  • 员工福利: 通过许多产品和服务的降价, 你可以为你的员工福利计划提供额外的价值.
  • 合同价格以外的节省: We offer limited time, volume driven opportunities to help you save more money on featured products.



采购和. 采购(GPO)

您是否需要一个包含GPO的更全面服务的采购解决方案? 我们也有.

LBMC 采购 解决方案 is a fractional procurement services team providing a boutique solution that removes scale as an obstacle for clients. 与聚合 & 运营支出的战略分析, 我们可以帮助企业更好地监控成本, 报告费用, 事半功倍.

LBMC developed a solution that turns passive participation in a GPO into an active effort to bring all needed items under contract and control – thus becoming your Aggregated 采购 Partner. 如果你有公司特定的需求,但不在网络中, we will use our Group Purchasing Power and negotiation experts to negotiate a better contract with you and for you. When we add it to our portfolio and offer the same product to our growing list of clients, 我们将继续降低价格,提高投资回报率.



Our seasoned procurement professionals deliver cost savings and measurable business value in both your direct and indirect spend. LBMC partners with clients to provide procurement services for both direct and indirect spend through a variety of options including an extensive supplier network with category management and expertise for 60+ suppliers, 15家顶级供应商, 为国内最大的GPO提供定制采购支持和协调.

We partner with clients to design intelligent sourcing and procurement solutions that address today’s objectives and enable flexibility to accommodate scale. 不管你的公司花费多少, you have an opportunity to drive down cost through procurement by implementing category management.

LBMC focuses on tactical buying steps such as maintaining accurate spend data, 优化支付周期条款, 消除发票中的错误,帮助优化从采购到付款的周期, 现场购买, 采购订单管理, 目录管理, 主数据管理和应付账款.


采购的一个组成部分是对业务支出的战略分析. 如果做得好,它可以做到 平均为你的底线节省22%,提高服务和效率. Today, the procurement function within businesses is being elevated to a strategic component of value creation. 这为企业主提供了竞争优势的机会. A good procurement solutions provider can become an extension of the organization’s existing procurement resources, 帮助你事半功倍.



LBMC developed a solution that turns passive participation in a GPO into an active effort to bring all needed items under contract and control – thus becoming your Aggregated 采购 Partner. 如果你有公司特定的需求,但不在网络中, we will use our Group Purchasing Power and negotiation experts to negotiate a better contract with you and for you. When we add it to our portfolio and offer the same product to our growing list of clients, 我们将继续降低价格,提高投资回报率.

While some Group Purchasing Organizations (GPO’s) pass their bulk buying power on to their members in the form of tiered discounts, LBMC聚合所有客户的花费,以便客户获得相同的定价. 不管你的公司有多大, 你可以收到两次, 三次, 甚至十倍的数量折扣,你将有资格.


LBMC’s strategic procurement team can positively impact your company’s bottom line through our full procurement process from aggregated purchasing power and supply sourcing. 我们是一家采购服务提供商,我们可以提供:

  • 竞争市场研究
  • 快速分析组织支出
  • 选择供应商
  • 战略审查
  • 协商付款条件
  • 合同谈判与管理
  • 项目管理
  • 旅游折扣
  • 快速实现
  • 采购转型
  • 从第三方供应商处购买商品、服务或工作
“我的首席财务官要求我减少运营支出. LBMC 采购 解决方案 not only helped me save $35K on my computer hardware costs, but they had such superb vendor relationships that it resulted in a rapid and stress-free implementation.”


LBMC为客户提供一套灵活的采购外包选择, 定制配置以满足定制解决方案的特定需求. 与LBMC合作,客户经验:

  • 任何问题都有一个真正的联络点
  • 节省10%到40%
  • ROI通常超过300%
  • 快速、轻松的胜利
  • 购买力杠杆
  • 代表您进行谈判

LBMC 采购 解决方案 holds a Quarterly Business Review (QBR) with all clients, to review what the company is saving and what areas offer additional opportunities for savings.




  • Source-to-pay -开支管理, 战略采购和供应商管理, 绩效管理和从采购到支付
  • Procure-to-pay -采购,收货,应付账款,存货和 仪表板报表
  • 合同管理 – Our procurement team will support your contracting process from the negotiation of terms and conditions through full execution of the contract.
  • 设施管理 -我们通过空间的协调为客户带来显著的价值, 基础设施和组织促进, the creation of standards and “bills of materials” for repetitive or de-novo projects.

We have experience in delivering procurement solutions to multiple industries including healthcare, 制造业, 零售及金融服务业.


The first step for any organization seeking to optimize its procurement efficiencies and savings is to speak with a procurement solutions provider. The conversation starts the process of discovering where your business may have inefficiencies around process and identify saving opportunities.

Improvements to the bottom line can come in hard savings based on a cost-to-cost comparison or soft savings in efficiencies, 技术和报告. 战略采购, however, goes beyond just saving money to creating innovative processes that improve a company’s operations and efficiencies and position it for long-term success.



Tammy 沃尔克特


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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔

Ashley 帕特森


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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔


We’re happy to answer any questions you may have on what our procurement experts can do for you. Please send us an email using the form and one of our professionals will get back to you promptly.


Phone: 615-377-4600

办公时间: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday


P.O. 1869箱



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